
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This month has been so many things I’m not sure where to begin or how to give words to it. My days have been full, hard, life giving and exhausting. My heart has been broken, poured out, mended and cared for. My spirit has been renewed, restored, poured into and humbled. I wish I could share every story and every moment of this month. I wish you could meet all the people I’ve met. I wish you could see what life is like here. 

I’ll try to give you the best glimpse I can…

Every morning of mine starts with an early 6am quiet time with Jesus. I’ve heard so much from Him in these early mornings. After that is breakfast which usually consists of coffee and pancakes with bananas and peanut butter (protein ya know). On our ministry days (Monday-Friday) we then all head to the home for disabled adults which is a beautiful 10-15 minute scenic hike from our home. My team and I spend the mornings there hanging out and loving on the 10-12 residents of our assigned home. We paint their nails, brush and braid their hair, face paint silly things, go on walks, sing and dance with them, pick flowers for them, hold their hands, scratch their backs, sit with them, pray over them, sing them to sleep, comfort them, and just be with them. 

We then hike back to our home for lunch. We refuel and head back for an afternoon of similar activities. Some of my favorite moments have been gathering several of the homes together at the campus basketball courts and having a big group hang out. We’ve had wheelchair races, piñata parties, congo lines and dance parties. The residents come alive in these precious times and truly experience freedom and joy in its purest form. It’s invigorating for them but also for all of us there with them. We end our days there exhausted and full at the same time. Some days are tough. Some days we burst into tears with no warning, some days we can keep it together until we leave. Some days we can’t stop smiling and laughing. Some days we go through the hard days with them. Some days we experience their best days. Some days all we can do is pray for healing and miracles. Some days we see their faces light up for the first time in a long time. Some days we remove lice from their hair for hours. Some days we figure out and struggle through how to change a diaper on someone in a wheelchair. Some days we have conversations with no words needed. 

But everyday we seek to bring joy to their days. They in turn give us more than we could have ever anticipated. I’ve seen Jesus in their character and in their actions towards us and one another. I’ve felt Jesus in their hugs and kisses. I know He is there with them each and everyday. He hasn’t forgotten or turned His back on them. He created them exactly how they are supposed to be. They aren’t mistakes or failures or products of something they or anyone else has done wrong. They aren’t meant to be pitied or neglected or cast aside. They are worthy of the same love He offers us all. Jesus spent the majority of his ministry with these people in society healing, loving and acknowledging them. He calls us to do the same. Sure it can be challenging and down right difficult at times. But how do you think Jesus feels loving all of us? I’m sure it’s challenging and down right difficult as well. But I know there are times that’s He’s so stinkin’ proud of us. Times that He loves us so much He finds ways to remind us of that. So much so that He lived that love out spiked to a cross for us to accept His love letter. His love letter addressed to each and every one of us to know Him, love Him, live like Him and with Him forever. 

I can’t wait to meet all the friends I’ve made at the home in Heaven one day. I can’t wait to know them without a worldly disability and language barrier. I can’t wait to ask Fedelia why she loves dead plants and sticks over live ones. I can’t wait to hug Kelby. I can’t wait to go on a walk with Rosalinda and see her body perfectly restored. What an eternal celebration that will be. I for one cannot wait. Until then I’ll make as many friends as I can to share in that celebration. 

10 responses to “A Day in the Life”

  1. Kaitlin, Jesus has given you an amazing heart. Love and prayers as you are doing what you see your Master do. You are blessing and being blessed! Thank you.

  2. Beautiful and amazing! Praying that you continue to experience God in a big way and that you continue to be a blessing to others. Thank you!
    Love, Felicia

  3. Changed a lot of diapers in my time but not while someone is in a wheelchair! You are experiencing things that most people will never experience, these people are heart breakers… keep your strength up ! We know your faith is very strong.

  4. Hi Kaitlin;
    Your stories are amazing, you have such a gift with the way you write. This writing put tears to my eyes it was so beautiful! Everytime I read one of your writings it gives me a different perspective on how to look at things, I love that! My favorite part was when you wrote that when we get to Heaven all of our disabled friends will be able to communicate with us, I have never really thought of that before, what a wonderful thing to look forward too!
    Keep up the good work and God Bless you and your colleagues for doing such a wonderful job!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Thank you Sonjia. Your support and encouragement mean so much to me! You and Bob are MY blessings!

  6. Sandy, thank you. Thank you for your support and your consistent encouragement. You are a blessing to me and I’m so thankful Jesus is speaking to you through my experiences and blogs. Glory to Him! I’m beyond blessed and even more grateful everyone is going on and helping me through this journey. Merry Christmas to you and your family!